Simulate Motion with Tweening and Blurring in Photoshop


Trying to simulate motion? Here are some valuable Photoshop tips on how to do it with Tweening and Blurring…
  1. Open the desired Photoshop file.
  2. Create layers to be used in the animation.
  3. Choose Window –> Animation to display the ANIMATION (FRAMES) panel.
  4. Create animation frames.
  5. Set the layer visibility in animation frames.
  6. Tween the frames.
    • Set the required frames.
    • At the bottom of the ANIMATION (FRAMES) panel, click the Tweens animation frames button.
    • In the Tween dialog box, in the Frames to Add text box, type the required number of frames that need to be inserted between the selected frames and click OK.
  7. Set the values for frame delay.
  8. If necessary, add the motion blur effect to the frames.
    • Select the required frames.
    • Choose Filter –>  Blue –> Motion Blur.
    • In the Motion Blur dialog box, type the required angle for and the distance of the blur.
    • Click OK.
  9. Play the animation.

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