Jump Over the Age Barrier and Land a Job Workshop

Jumping Over Age Barriers

Age can be a barrier or just a speed bump!

Mature workers face job search challenges younger workers don’t. However, they also provide important workplace advantages that are becoming more valuable every day. Savvy mature workers are landing good high paying jobs because they have the job search know-how—shouldn’t you?

During this workshop, you will learn about:

  • Mature workers’ competitive job-winning advantages
  • Three critical messages that land jobs
  • Effective strategies for replying to “You’re overqualified”
  • Interviewing with younger Hiring Managers

Don’t let your age get in the way of a job you want. Attend this workshop and bust those age barriers!


Older Worker Job Search Sites

Ten Advantages of Retaining and Hiring Older Workers:  Lessons from NYC Small Businesses (from AgeSmart Employer article)

Jobs for Women Over 50

Downshifting Text for Cover Letter

Workforce 50 Website

Ask a Career Coach: How Do I Get Around Ageism in the Job Search? (theMuse article)

10 Companies that really care about their older workers (Monster article)

AARP – Job Search Resources for 50+

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