Job Search Strategy Workshop

Job Search Strategy Workshop

Have you been concerned that your job search strategy isn’t on target and you are losing exciting opportunities? Well you may be right!

Job search is a challenging process requiring many ingredients for it to work well. Most job seekers don’t know all the critical ingredients, and go into job search without the advantages and benefits a well developed strategy provides. Thus, job search is more frustrating and takes longer than it should.

Come to this workshop and learn:

  • All the critical ingredients of a comprehensive job search
  • Productive job search attitudes and behaviors
  • How to avoid missteps and lost opportunities

Job search is difficult to start with, and even more so when you are not using the most productive search strategies available. You owe it to yourself to make sure you are doing the best job search you can. After attending this workshop, you will know how to search for jobs efficiently and effectively.


Weekly Job Search Activity Form

12 Ingredients for Successful Job Search

Internet Job Search Sites

Refresh Leadership Blog from Express Employment Professionals – Article on “Culture”

Pennsylvania Center for Workforce Information & Analysis Website

MontcoWorks Job Seeker Resources

Chester County Workforce Development Board Job Seeker Resources

Indeed Career Guide

FREE Online Courses to explore learning opportunities:

Exit Statement Examples

How to Be a Better Negotiator

Possible Issues for Salary Negotiation

What Great Sales People Do

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