Resume Writing Advanced Workshop

Resume Writing Advanced Workshop

Don’t attend this workshop if you are having so many interviews you can hardly keep up with all the appointments; because if you are, your resume is working well. However, if you would like more interviews, your resume may need improving and this workshop will show you how.

There is rarely a resume that can’t be improved. This workshop is for jobseekers who have already developed a good solid resume and want to make it even better.

  • During this workshop you will learn:
  • How to analyze your resume from the point of view of a recruiter
  • Costly resume errors to avoid at any cost
  • How to maximize your accomplishments to make your resume more powerful
  • How to handle resume challenges including employment gaps, age, multiple short-term jobs

A resume that results in interviews is a key ingredient of any productive job search. Attend this workshop and be secure that your resume is not getting in the way of getting interviews and landing jobs.


Resume Advanced Sample

Resume Advanced Sample w/Exec Summary and Achievements Section

Microsoft Word Resume Tips – Creating a Resume Header

Power Words with Activities

My Process for Creating Highly Targeted Resumes (from Off the Clock Resumes)

A Job Hunters Guide to Getting your Resume Past the ATS and into Human Hands (from The Muse)

Beat the Robots: How to Get Your Resume Past the System & Into Human Hands (from The Muse)

Define Your Ideal Position

Tasks vs. Accomplishments Exercise

Employer Priority and Strengths to Map Exercise

Tips for Creating a Concise Resume

Best Skills to Include on a Resume (from Indeed Career Guide)

Top 500 Resume Keywords to Boost Your Resume (from JobScan Blog)

Guidelines and Exercise for Developing Your Summary Statement

Hard Skills List

Warning! — Don’t Use These Words

Warning! — Use These Words

18 Things To Take Off Your Résumé And LinkedIn Profile Today To Succeed Tomorrow (Forbes Article, August 2018)

Saving your resume as an electronic document

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